Many remember the rotary dial telephone, the first cell phone, and now Voice Over the Internet Phone (VOIP). One can call just about anywhere free or at least at a much-reduced rate.
VOIP is now mainstream. Skyspan Wireless can transition your legacy phone system to a VOIP. It’s virtually effortless, more efficient for your business, and saves you money.
How VOIP Works
VOIP works in the same manner as the telephone you have. However, VOIP gives you the capability to using a number of beneficial features including:
- Saving you and your business money
- Unlimited free calling
- 3- Way Calling
- Hosted PBX
- Call Forwarding
- Conference Calling
- Free Number Porting
- Interfacing of cellular service to your VOIP
- Access from anywhere over a Cloud System.
What This Means for Your Business
Now you can take your office phone system wherever you go. A Skyspan Wireless Cloud Package can make that accessibility for you. Put your VOIP in your Cloud and have free, easy calling from wherever you are. You can even call from your cellular phone. This will allow you to access your office phone’s full features while keeping everything in one place. You’ll get a much reduced cost compared to what you are paying for your legacy phone system today. Time is money. You shouldn’t delay.
Start saving money for your business today. Have Skyspan Wireless install a VOIP System in your business with the added features for improved flexibility. Don’t delay. Every day with that legacy phone system costs you and your business money. Let the technicians at Skyspan Wireless show you how you can improve the communications for your business and also save you money.